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Q: I am confused by which admin login I use.
A: There are two types of Admin login, One for the Admin Website and one for each Event for the App
1) Website Admins are be able to create events, locations, classes and message competitors etc.
2) Registered Administrator are able access "Admin Mode" on the App. These are created under "Entry Managerment".
Q: I am unable to login to the App to set-up my new event.
A: Two things to check...
1) Have you created a "Registered Administrator" under "Entry Managerment" ?
2) Have you set your event to a "live Event"? You can do this either by editing your Event or by using "Go Live" under "Event Management". The event will then be live to accept entries and new locations via the App in Admin mode. The event will not be live for the competitors until the Event start date and time.
Q: What the new "Status" setting in Events?
A: Each event has four statuses. The Status can be changed with the options in Event Management
"Live Event (Show Results)" is an event ready to accept entries (once the date/time has been reached for entries to be open) and the event can run once the Start date/time has passed. Results are shown.
"Live Event (Hide Results)" is the same as above but results are hidden until set to "Provisional Results".
"Provisional Results" is when you declare the event finished with provisional results
"Finalised Event" is when you declare the results as final :)
Q: What link do I send out that competitors or marshals can use to register for an event.
A: In the Event Setup event list there are two URL Links shown for each event, copy these and send the appropriate one (email or other) to all the potential competitiors or marshals.
Q: Can I use the RallyAppLive to time my Road Rally event?
A: To encourage the development of RallyAppLive Motorsport UK has granted specific authority to Sapphire Solutions to deploy and refine the system at Motorsport UK permitted rallies. The developers will notify Motorsport UK of any events using RallyAppLive and they will be reviewed as part of this development trial. Once the system has been refined during this trial period, it is planned that regulations will be amended to permit the general use of RallyAppLive.
Q: How long is the MSUK Trial Period?
A: The current MSUK waiver approval for the trial period runs until the end of 2023 (But usually gets renewed each year).
Q: How does the system deal with WD around a tight grass triangle?
A: Accuracy of GPS on phones is limited to between 4 and 12 metres on average whilst moving. It is suggested that you use Code boards with a wide location on LWR triangles instead.
Q: How much data is a rally likely to use?
A: Minimal data needed, it only sends back tiny packets of key data when it gets a data connection (or on WiFi at the end), way less that a single Mb.
Q: Can it cope with two or three cars arriving together?
A: Yes. If you are using the crews to time themselves then there is no limit to how many cars arrive together. In marshal mode it can save multiple times which can be used for several vehicles.
Q: Dare I ask about some very remote areas where signal is poor / non-existent? Or areas such as Mull where only Vodafone appears to cover the entire area?
A: During the event it only needs GPS signal not mobile. It only needs mobile signal at the start and finish.
Q: Is it possible to do a complete route check along with timing before the event?
A: Yes. You can use Admin mode to drive the route and record you locations. Check each using the Mapping function once you are home.